All images on this blog are mine unless otherwise noted, please do not copy or reproduce without permission.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Sunday Stills ~ In Honour of Ed

This week's Sunday Stills challenge:
 It’s Ed’s birthday on April 18th………..this next challenge is for him. It’s a potluck photo of your choice of one of his past challenges.

I decided to go with Ed's April 24/11 challenge of "Rust"

Does anyone know what this is?

Anchor at Peggys Cove

Thursday, April 19, 2012

New Beginnings

Recently I finished a beginner DSLR class and that darn photography bug has gotten a hold of me. So I decided to start a photography blog. After all my main blog is mostly about horses and life on our "mini ranch", readers there may not be interested in random posts about graffiti or architecture lol.
That's why I've named this blog "More Than a Cowgirl".  Sure there will be photos of horses, country life and nature; but there will be anything & everything else too.  Here's to more photos and fewer words ;)
Some recent photos that I really like: